The sun-loving turf perfect for Perth.

Soft underfoot with a very fine leaf.

Wintergreen (also called Wintergreen Couch) is a great soft turf with a very fine leaf. It requires full sun to thrive, making it ideal for back and front yards with minimal to no shade. This turf variety has a high growth rate and high repair rate, which means it’s pretty tough.  

However, this lawn isn’t for the lay-and-leavers. Wintergreen is best-suited to greenthumbs or those who love to get outside. One of the reasons for this it that it’s invasive if not regularly maintained. Unless you’re out there getting dirt under your nails, you’ll notice Wintergreen making itself at home in garden beds and paving cracks. But, when cared for properly, this truly is a beautiful turf that’ll serve your family well.

winter green couch

Wintergreen tip

Wintergreen is best mowed with a cylinder mower, 10 – 15mm long. When looked after, this turf is one of the most attractive formal lawns.



Think Wintergreen Couch would look great on your property? Contact us for a quote.